Monday, January 31, 2011

Stew Your Eyes On This...

As you might imagine, this little fella was probably getting a little claustrophobic, let alone dry in that gold baggie I showed you last week.  Well, he finally arrived at my bead partners house, so I can share with you tonight, what I sent to my bead partner, Erin Siegel.  I'm having some technical difficulty with my camera, so please bare with my photos this month and my lack of a photo tent at the moment.  This picture doesn't really capture the colorful element of this glass fish pendant, but it gives you a pretty good idea of what Erin is working with..thank goodness for photoshop!  

Erin will be cooking with not only this glass pendant, but she has some sterling silver links, Bali beads, wood beads, a Hill Tribe toggle and some czech glass. I couldn't help myself, but I also threw in some blue sead beads that aren't in the photo..hee hee.  I'll be posting a picture later this week of  the stew mix I received from Erin.

If you have no earthly idea what I'm talking about here, skip on over to Lori Anderson's blog, where you can read all about the Bead Soup Party that's going on this month. Then check back here weekly for more updates on how things are cooking up! The big reveal will be February 26th, so mark your calendar!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just Some Ideas....

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and whether you're shopping for your significant other or someone special in your life, here are a few lovely things I ran across on Etsy tonight. Valentines Day was originally for lovers, but it's also a great time to tell anyone in your life that they are special.

This lovely necklace is from JudysDesigns. I love the asymmetrical design of this piece and it's something you could wear year round.  The oxidized silver just adds that special pop to the pearls. 

Another simple, yet lovely piece is the above silver necklace from Tiny Tokens Designs.  It's called Heart to Heart.  You can have it personalized. I especially love this piece with two names.  I'd like this one myself with mother and daughter.  

Need a masculine gift for someone who loves art photography?  this photo is breath taking from Raceytay's  The pathway seems never ending. This is such a mystic piece that any male woud appreciate. 

Tell me this set isn't cute! I love these faceted Swarovski crystals. Perfect for any day and any season. I found this set at Briguysgirls

Well, just a few ideas, to get you thinking outside the red heart and Happy Valentines Day norm. If you have something different in mind and you are looking for something more personalized, send me an email and I'd be happy to do a custom order for you.  

Unveiling others, 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Amazing Wednesday's Artwork...

At first glance, I had no idea what was responsible for this beautiful artwork!  See this photo and more and learn about Jennifer Maestre over at Shibori Girls Blog.  There you'll also find a link to Jennifers website for more of her amazing art!   

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dear Bead Soup Partner....

The pot is done, the beads are all mixed;
I hope you enjoy what I decided to fix.
Different for you, was different for me;
our pallets are similar as similar can be.
Whimsical?....maybe..Pastel..oh dear!
Seed beads and thread?....
don't you ever, ever fear!
What is it you say? Well that I cannot tell
And the picture below..well...that's NOT what's in the mail!

Unveiling and teasing,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Creating with Soup....

As I post this entry, I realize it's been almost exactly one (1) year since I participated in one Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Party's.  I'm happy to announce that I'm doing it again with over 200 other artists this month!  I've just found out who my partner is this year and I can't wait to put together a soup recipe for her.  

If you don't know what a soup party is, here is the recipe.  I've been partnered with another jewelry artist to create a piece of jewelry from a mystery mix of beads that will be exchanged through mail.  We'll have almost a month to create something to share with the blog community.  Lori Anderson has been hosting this event for a year now and it has consistently grown to an astounding number of participants. It's too late to particpate in this party, but you can visit Lori's blog to find out more about participating in this next great event!

I'm also excited to share that my partner is Erin Siegel.  Erin makes beautiful jewelry and is a mom to a new baby girl!  Visit Erin to see more of her beautiful work, as featured above, on her blog .

Unveiling in recipes,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stroll Down Memory Lane - Part II

Earlier this week I posted some of my favorite necklaces from the past, today I share bracelets and earrings...enjoy the eye candy!

"Colored Rain Drops"
These Kazuri boats have to be one of my favorite artisan made beads. They come in the many different colors of  Africa, they are unique and beautiful. 

I never got around to naming these, once again I was rushing to prepare for a show.  These artisan glass beads are made by one of my favorite artists.  I usually eye a specific set for a while, then I just have to have now..bout to purchase a set this weekend!! 

This awareness bracelet was made for a co-worker who was diagnosed with Breat Cancer last December.  I am happy to report that she is celebrating life cancer free and she looks great!!

This was a Mothers Day gift for my mom! It was the first watch I had ever made.  Thanks to a fellow artists and her tutoring, it came out perfect!!

"Lemon Meringue" Another bead set that I absolutely adored!!  They came in red, green, yellow and orange, I had so much fun with these artisan made beads. I made several pretty pairs and of course kept a unique pair for myself in three colors!

Ashamed to say..but these are MINE too!!  If you look at them long enough, you will find yourself getting very sleepy.  I never got around to naming lets just call them

These were a special order request for someones daughter, who was stationed in Iraq. I was given basic instructions for hoops and this is what I came up with, the Peridot crystal is her birthstone the hoops were handmade and hammered for texture.   

No name... holiday rush!  I was in the mood for some mixed metals last year and I made several wonderful pieces.  They sold pretty quickly, so I guess they represented a niche I had not tapped into. If I tried to make these this year, I would price myself out of the market..metal has GONE UP!!

"Kaleidescope of Life"
This is one I'll never forget! I had to finish the hole in most of these beads by hand. This bracelet was made to raise money for "Bead for Life". I made 12 bracelets and donated 50% of the proceeds back to Bead for Life. These things sold like hotcakes! They are beautiful in color and you can wear it with anything.  The beads are handmade in Uganda and are made of paper...And yes I have one for MYSELF!   

Other than long a design process and color coordination, none of the pieces I've posted this week are of aN intricate nature. Most of those items, didn't even make my favorites list! I think the few I've posted this week are my favorite because they have a story behind them that I remember, I can remember the process or the why behind them, they made someone especially happy, they were made for a special purpose, they are made of unique materials by a favorite artist or group and most of all, the finished product I'm certain, made me smile.  

Can you remember making something that made you smile, or that you have a lasting memory of?  Please share, I'd love to hear about it.  


Monday, January 10, 2011

A Stroll Down Memory Lane....

Not a lot of words today, just some reflections on a few of my favorite pieces from the past...hope you enjoy!

"Chasing Dot"
I absolutely loved this necklace, probably should have kept it for myself!

"Arizona Summer"
This was actually a personal Challenge to create a Summer Sun, more like sunset is what came out of it, but I love's actually 4 necklaces in 1!!

I never got around to naming this one, I made it so quickly for a show one about...

This was a total accident and it belongs to me...I get soo many compliments on this piece

"Midnight Kazuri"
Another one I should have kept dangit!

"Blue Nile II"
This was a remake challenge it went from drab to fab in one weekend.

"Summer Sun"
I finally nailed the Summer Sun challenge

I loved how the gold pearls popped in this necklace!

"Chili Peppers"
This was my very first necklace made with Kazuri beads!

"Menat Dancing"
Menat is an egyptian word, I think a friend/customer gave me this name idea..doesn't the pendant look like an egyptian dancer?

"The Giving Necklace"
This little necklace is responsible for me being able to sponsor all my Kiva Loans!!
These are some of my favorite necklaces, check back for a stroll down bracelet and earring memory lane later this week. 

Unveiling in favorites,

To see more of my Runako Designs visit my website

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Resolutions, Promises and Goals - Part II

If you had the opportunity to read my post from Monday, you know that I've been thinking through some goals for this year.  One I had already started, but the other two I had to think through to make sure I wasn't going to bite off more than I could chew at this time.  Well, I'm ready to reveal, profess and get started..times been a waisting and its time to get busy.

 I'm calling these...Goals...instead of resolutions, as in - something I want to achieve for myself.   A resolution by definition is a decision or a process of resolving something.  I figured, just because I make the decision to lose weight for example, doesn't necessarily mean I'm planning to do it or follow through.  With a goal, one typically has a plan in place.  You can even set small milestones along the way to achieving those goals.  So here goes one, two and three.......

1.  Re-ignite My Business 
This is major for me!  Last year I lost track of something near and dear to my heart - my desire to create.  Life threw a few curve balls my way and after several failed attempts of getting back on track, I just couldn't consistently get back into the swing of things. My inspiration for this goal was photo I recently found of my sister-in-laws daughter on Facebook, who lives in the Phillipines.  I had forgotten that my brother purchased a bunch of necklaces three years ago and really never asked who they were for since he works in Iraq.  What a pleasant surprise to find Runako Designs in the Phillipines!! 

 My goal for 2011 is to set at least 1 (one) major, achieavable goal per month to re-ignite the energy in my business.  I know this may sound redundant, but I figure if I can put a monthly goal to paper now, and post it over my workstation, I have something to work towards.  And, the fact that I'm posting it here, would totally make me look like a failure if I didn't follow through!  So to begin, for January, my goal is to plan my business year (put it to paper) and do a kick off beginning  in February. 

2.  Yeah Me Project (YMP)...........
or in other words DIY!  I must admit, that I had gotten a little lazy about doing things myself recently, but that's about to change.  Actually, the past couple of months, I've completed a couple of small projects around the house and upon each completion, I stood back, took a look at my finished work and said..."Yeaahhh Me!" 

For this goal, my plan is to complete at least one (1) DIY project a month. I also plan to sit down this month and think through what things I'd really like to accomplish.  For January, I've already installed a new shower head, and next on the list is new bi-fold doors for my son's room. They are already sitting in the hall upstairs - talk about pressure!   

3.  Fitness Challenge
This last goal is totally about ME!!  This past summer, I joined the gym if you'll remember, and I've actually done a pretty decent job getting my pressure in check and releasing some of the stress from work.  HOWEVER, I must admit the holidays, along with a homemade German Chocolate cake, cookies, pies, Lasagna, hams,....oh well, you get the idea - I caved!!  Not in a major way, but I caved, and lost some good momentum in my strength training workouts. 

 My former trainer told me about a fitness challenge here in town sponsored by FitVirginia; and you know I love a challenge, so what else was I to do?  The challenge started January 1st and runs through April 1st.  There are three weight loss catagories and 9 sets of prizes.  The three first place prizes is $3000...that's right - say motivating factor please!!  While I would love to win first place, my sites are simply set on challenging myself to get more fit!  I have no idea how many people are signed up for this challenge, but I know that if I challenge myself for three months, something good will come out of it in the end, money or not - I will have accomplished something that's totally about me! 

Well that's it! According to my life and the little doubtful angel sitting on my shoulder right now , thats a pretty hefty list; BUT, they were the three major things that meant the most to me, and that I felt I needed to put in writing to ensure completion. I even feel better as this post comes to an end. 

I hope that for all of you who have made your own resolutions, promises or goals this year, that they are met with persistence and complete follow through.  May your accomplishments, be ones that you are proud of.  If you've set some goals you'd like to profess, please leave your comments, I'd love to read about them.

Unveiling in Challenges,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolutions, Promises and Goals....

Every year this time, we all begin to think about what it is we plan to do differently. this time, we should all be doing what we said we were going to do. But for most of us, we either accomplish one or two of those things and fail miserably at others or all of them.  I can't speak for the mass of you, but that has definitely been the case for me when I think about resolutions.  So this year, my promise is to set a few goals for myself, put it in writing, then set out to make it happen. 

By now, you've obviously picked up on the fact that I've done neither of the above, and the clock is here I sit at my computer, with pen and paper and keyboard, professing to the world, my goals for the new year! Keep in, that I am but a mere mortal, subject to set backs, raising a teen, and suffereing the beginning stages of memory don't get your hopes up to high!

Tonight I will put it to paper, and Wednesday I'll reveal my top 3 (what did you expect) goals for 2011! Stay tuned, this should be very interesting! 

Unveiling a plan,
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