Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Little Giddy...just a little!

Feeling a little giddy tonight!  Okay, not a little...A LOT.  Have you ever researched something til you found the right one for you only to realize you couldn't afford it?  Have you ever wanted something so bad you could taste it?  Ever looked at something for months and months, even years til you dreamed about it?  Ever stalked the internet price comparison sites month after month, waiting for your "something" to go on sale? ...Then finally - you get it!!

If you've answered yes to any of these, and the end result was you finally getting that "something", then you know exactly how I'm feeling this week...on Monday...I GOT IT!!! Finally..................

I've been patiently waiting two years for this!!  I am officially going from Point and Shoot to DSLR...yeah baby!  So why did I open the box yesterday and close it back up and put it away?  Was I scared by all the parts and the bigger user manual and all the buttons and knobs and pins and whistles??

Yep...so by Friday, I hope to have this............

There's a steep learning curve if I want to get the most out of this camera. The good thing is that the Nikon I currently use, has very similar menu's to this one, minus several added features and then some, but the hold is the same, and I'm "almost" not feeling quite like the dummy I thought I would be!  I'm also going to start attending some of the photography meet ups I've been stalking and learn all that I can from pros. 

Heres a neat photo I took tonight using one of the auto scene options.  Had I done this with my regular camera, it would have barely come out...if. 
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not even close to getting rid of my other camera's...yes that's plural for three. But I am thinking of sharing one of them with my son,  if he acts right.  He is constantly reminding me that I have too many!  what do you think...is four camera's too much? 
Unveiling in photography soon,


jelveh Designs said...

very cool, I am looking for a new camera too, let me know how it goes...

Jen Judd said...

I can feel your excitement...recently went through the transition to DSLR myself and am still very much enjoying the hike up the learning curve with my books in hand! haaaaaaaaaa I really feel like I see things differently because I know I have the possibility of capturing just the right shot. Makes me so happy!! Enjoy the rush!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
What a great story Dee...Don't you just become overwhelmed with alot of emotions when you finally make a dream purchase! I love the candle picture and I can't wait to see how well you kick the dummie books tail heehee..
I would love for your son to find his photography talents and maybe you could make a special post and show his work!
Have a great Wednesday...
Take care,

Adaptable Kay said...

Wow Dee, congrats! That's SO exciting, and I'm definitely quite jealous over here xD

I can't wait to see what other pictures you snap with your new camera!

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone, couldn't respond individually because blogger won't let me sign into my count *gasp*

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