Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kiva - In the Spotlight

Remember Paulina Amankra?

Well, Paulina Amankra sells clothing, fabric and groceries on the Cape Coast. Paulina has received polytechnic education. She is married and has 3 children. Her husband is a teacher. Paulina has been selling clothing, fabric and groceries since early 2008. She is responsible for providing, along with her husband, for their children's education. Paulina borrowed $700 back in September to buy more goods for her store. She hopes to use the new profits from her business to help her husband build a family house. Runako Designs donated money to help fund Paulina's micro loan and she has already started repaying her loan amount...EARLY! Great Job Paulina, hopefully her business is doing well. If you'd like to join Runako Designs sponsor more loans please join Team Runako and make a loan today or go to Runako Designs and purchase the Giving Necklace, (to the right) where 20% of the proceeds will be donated to our efforts.

Help make a positive change in the world today,

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