As I posted earlier on this blog, Runako Designs will be funding mirco-loans through Kiva to new and expanding entrepreneur's in under-developed countries. I'll also be posting blogs about loans and some of the entrepreneurs we'll be supporting. I am thrilled to be a part of Kiva's mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. My contributions are helping real people make strides toward economic independence and improve life for themselves, their families and their communities.
Meet Khady Dieng of Senegal:
Khady Dieng is married and has been a member of the Boucotte village bank for six years. She has requested a loan to strengthen her business so that she can better satisfy her customers. She will therefore continue to sell palm oil, dried fish and honey. She plans to repay the loan after six months in a single installment.

It is my pleasure to join with other lenders to support Khady's expansion plan for her business. Khady's loan has already been dispersed and it will be exciting to see and hear about her businesses growth over the next 6 months. I'll post updates as I receive them. Come back often and watch with me as Khady unveils to higher independence!
Kiva is amazing. I like Heifer, too. I send money to them regularly -- it's so cool to know WHAT that money bought!
I haven't heard of Heifer, I'll have to check them out.
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