Sunday, January 16, 2011

Creating with Soup....

As I post this entry, I realize it's been almost exactly one (1) year since I participated in one Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Party's.  I'm happy to announce that I'm doing it again with over 200 other artists this month!  I've just found out who my partner is this year and I can't wait to put together a soup recipe for her.  

If you don't know what a soup party is, here is the recipe.  I've been partnered with another jewelry artist to create a piece of jewelry from a mystery mix of beads that will be exchanged through mail.  We'll have almost a month to create something to share with the blog community.  Lori Anderson has been hosting this event for a year now and it has consistently grown to an astounding number of participants. It's too late to particpate in this party, but you can visit Lori's blog to find out more about participating in this next great event!

I'm also excited to share that my partner is Erin Siegel.  Erin makes beautiful jewelry and is a mom to a new baby girl!  Visit Erin to see more of her beautiful work, as featured above, on her blog .

Unveiling in recipes,


My Life Under the Bus said...

Sweet! My partner and I have already bonded! I can't wait to go shopping! : )

Erin Siegel said...

Thanks, Dee! I will be blogging about the soup soon!

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