My tried and true, HP Scanjet gave out on me at picture number 5!! So off I go to Office Depot in the snow to purchase me a new scanner...Merry Christmas to me...yeah right!
I ended up with a Canon CanoScan LIDE 100. The new scanner is slim and compact compared to my dust buster, and pretty quiet too. It did a fabulous job scanning photos in no time...I must admit, I was very pleased with the fast results...until tonight! Figured tonight, I'd scan a couple of quick necklaces I'd worked up to get back in the swing of things and boy, oh boy was I in for a surprise, because scanning jewelry used to be soooo easy!
Time was pressed this evening so I skipped the photo tent for a quick fix. I did however, accidently discover a pretty cool feature, I may use in the future, but tonight I just needed quick, no manual, no surfing the net for an instruction manual, just a quick scan, then lights out!
Well..this is what I ended up with and this won't do...not even for a quickie. I'll definitely have to locate the manual for this new toy because it apparently comes with some pretty neat bells and whistles!
first scan of two necklaces side by side. The scanner actually captured the two Kazuri pendants as separate photos...how cool is that!!?? What's not so cool is the quality of the image..bummer!

After playing around a little bit more, I figured out how to capture what was actually on the scan bed...cool again right? Nope..image quality still sucks!!

Canon if you're out there reading this post..HELLLLPPPP!! I don't have time to read a manual!!!
Unveiling and playing around,
You can find more of my jewelry on my website Runako Designs

Canon if you're out there reading this post..HELLLLPPPP!! I don't have time to read a manual!!!
Unveiling and playing around,
You can find more of my jewelry on my website Runako Designs
We are in the market for a new scanner too. I guess I'll wait until you figure this one out, LOL.
funny!! Well, I wouldn't wait on me if I were you, LOL
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