Usually Halloween for us consists of giving out candy, attending a Harvest Fest or doing something totally non related, but this year, I'm going to have some good old fun after the porch lights go out, because I'm headed to a Halloween Party!
It has been years, since I dressed up in costume for Halloween. Every year I envy my neighbor as she prepares for the festivities. I've seen everything come out of that house, but I must say my favorite was Smurfette, that topped everything, blue paint and all!
This year, I won't be left behind, I won't let another year go by. I'm going to get all gussied up in my costume and make up, and paint the town...okay, probably won't be painting any towns, but in disguise, who'll know right? I'd love to make up some fun jewelry to wear, oh wouldn't that be fun! BUT....there's one small problem .....I've been sooo busy with 6th grade homework and assignments, that I haven't had time to figure out what to wear!
This is where you come in. I have less than 48 hours to come up with something fun to wear to this Halloween event and I need your serious suggestions. I have a show Saturday morning, so I literally have tomorrow night and about 4 hours Saturday to make this happen. Only rule is keep it clean! Thanks in advance, I'm looking forward to your suggestions!
Unveiling in disguise,

All I can tell you is my stand by as a kid was always Raggedy Ann. I had these old overalls and a red and white checked shirt. I'd put those on, roll up the bottom of the pants put on some striped or argyle socks and a red string wig. Pop some lipstick on my cheeks, at least that's what worked when I was younger and off I'd go. It was perfect. I was cozy, cute and if it was cold I was always warm, especially if I took a coat along. That's all I can think of and it's clean.
That is hard, Dee. I'll put my thinking cap on.
Be a gypsy. It's so easy..pick out a flowing skirt, a pretty peasant type blouse and a pretty scarf to put on your head..chunky earrings and jewerly..do your face up with some sparkles..and there you go.
Madame Gypsy Dee
hmmm, liking the gypsy Shell. All, I'd have to purchase would be the skirt, I have everything else, I could quickly make up some jewelry.
Vicki, I have an Afro wig and a long blonde wing on stand by, but no overalls or plaid shirt.
Well Dee, I was watching the Rachel Ray Show today and she had costume ideas using things from the dollar store.
The first was a witch. Arms and face were painted green, and the dress and hat were made from trash bags.
The second was Dorothy from the wizard of OZ. She made her blue jumper dress from blue and white checked throw away dish cloths from the dollar store worn over a white blouse and She put red glitter on her shoes.
She also made a bumble bee costume out of trash bags and yellow tape.
I also thought you might be a chef and have Vicki tell you how she made the chefs hats for her kids.
how cute Loretta, the bumble bee idea sounds fun and inexpensive!!
If anyone is curious I found the shows link here...too cute and how creative!
Fairies are also quite easy - just buy wings and a matching color wig from walmart - wear a little black dress jewelry yourself up and go crazy with your make up! I love being a fairy - you can even get fake eyelashes too.
What did you end up deciding on for your costume?
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