WOW, it's Wednesday already and I haven't posted since Sunday! This is going to be a quick drive by post to keep your interest peeked as we move through wedding and Pearl season. This is a special customer order I finished tonight for an old friend from Elementary School. We reconnected this year on
Facebook , isn't Facebook wonderful! He wanted something special for his daughters 9th birthday. I call it "Daddy's Little Girl". I know she's the star of his eye, so I made up something pretty special for her birthday. Let me know what you think.

If you need something customized just for you or a gift for someone special, let me know, I would love to work with you to design something special. Also, follow my
Fan Page on Facebook for contest give-a-aways!
Visit Dee at Runako Designs for customized bridal orders or your everyday jewelry
I think the young lady will LOVE her birthday gift - what a thoughtful dad she has!
I've only met her once Maria, but I've known her father since 8th grade and one thing I've learned recently is she is definitely the Star and apple of his eye!
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