Team Runako is changing another life this month! Woohoo, I'm really excited to be telling you that we've sponsored our 5th loan this month through
Kiva. I noticed a pattern going as I looked back at my other loans and they had one thing in common, ALL women. Okay, I'll admit, that wasn't exactly a coincidence, but in an effort to make things right, because I would never want anyone to say that I was bias when it came to giving and helping, our fifth loan was to a male ARTIST, and I'll tell you a little bit more about him, after I catch you up on what our other recipients have been doing. Also as a side note, I say five loans total; however,
Team Runako has sponsored 4, I personally sponsored 1, all the same, so that's five as far as I'm concerned. Okay, so....
What's Happening
As you know,
Khady Dieng from Senegal, repaid their loan last month. The great news is that with the money lent to help grow their business, Khady was able to fix up their home, purchase some furnishings, tile the dirt floor and purchase a fridge. Khady was also able to grow a savings. The downside right now to Kahdy's story is that they are having medical issues and is currently unable to work the business, but with the money saved, they are able to contribute to health care. Since our last post
Paulina Amankra of Ghana, has also repaid her loan 100%, one month in advance! The
Chouhan Group from Pakistan, has already started repaying their loan ahead of schedule to grow their grocery business. Last but not least
Ana from Peru, has already started repaying her loan ahead of schedule, so my guess is that things are going great for her and her knitting business.
Meet Reuon Roun

Reuon is 31 years of age and lives in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. He sells wood carvings that he carves himself, using wood from the forest. Reuon transports these carvings around to villages in the community to sell. He is currently earning around $3.00 per day. His Wife is a vegetable farmer, and they have two children at home. They have been planning to purchase a motorbike, but their finances have only been enough to support daily needs. Reun would like to purchase a motorbike for his family's transportation. Well, once again, when I started typing this blog, Reun was in need of $50 more dollars, as of this minute his loan request has been fully funded! I'm proud to be a part of helping Reuon and his family, and hope that the extra transportation will allow them to be more mobile in the selling of their carvings and vegetables.
Recent Supporters of this Loan:Franchon Brown - Chesterfield, VirginiaIf you'd like to help support an Entrepreneur in an underdeveloped country, visit
Kiva.org to

find out more about Micro loans. If you decide to loan, please join
Team Runako and lets change the world together. Wear your support proudly by purchasing a
Giving Necklace from Runako Designs, where 25% of the proceeds will go towards our next loan.
Unveiling proudly,
This is wonderful news, Dee! My son was in Siem Reap last year. He said I couldn't even imagine the poverty there. Cambodia made a huge impression on him - he really liked it, thought the people were wonderful and wants to go back.
All the best to the Roun family!
Thanks Maria! Where I work, we have a lot of Cambodian families, wonderful, giving and very thoughtful associates! I'm glad to be helping.
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