Could it be true? Am I really seeing blue? I think so folks....my eyes may be still adjusting, but everything at this moment has a blue tint and it's because I've been taking photos all evening in my mobile photography studio, this weeks its my dining room table! I sure hope this blue thing clears up by morning, I have a day job to go to. To the right, you'll notice version 4 of a light box, rubber file box, atop a stool, props gently arranged inside. Mobilized this day to my patio!.
Well of course I'm taking pictures of jewelry...what else. Jewelry I've been making up for the website, that launches tomorrow. It took 4 years to get to this point of jewelry photography for me and I have by no means perfected this one bit. I started out taking photos with a 35mm camera. The results were not fit to be shown to ANYONE...literally folks. Then I upgraded to my first digital, then I went to a flatbed scanner and now I"m back on a second digital that I've actually taken the time to do some research on. Then I went through, ummm like 5 versions of a light box and I've settled now on one that I made from construction board. Not bad results for an amateur, let me know what you think. The biggest pain is getting a perfect shot, getting the settings right, using a flash or no flash...okay, okay...it's not easy at all, for me that is, but I've learned something new, so no taking that away from me. I don't have a photo of my most recent box, but I'll post one soon for you to see.
Lesson for today is if I can learn photography, so can you. Most of my research was done right online. There are photo boxes available that you can purchase, but if you don't have the cash right now, opt for making your own. You don't have to be taking jewelry photos, but whether your selling on eBay, someplace else or just like taking great close up shots, a light box is great. I'm thinking its going to come in plenty handy this winter when it gets cold outside.
Check back tomorrow for a website link....plans are still on to open tomorrow!! I'm holding off on the link, Just in case. Reality is, online, at work or broadcasting on television...anything can happen when you GO LIVE!
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