Okay, so maybe you are wondering where the name Runako comes from and maybe not. Well, Runako Designs is the name of my very own jewelry business and it has special meaning to me and my designs. Runako pronounced "Roo-Nah-Koh"- means beauty in the Shona Language of Zimbabwe. The flower used in my logo is actually the National flower of Zimbabwe, the Flame Iris.
So how does this all tie in to a jewelry line? I was looking for something special to express what I think of my jewelry, and Runako and beauty tied it all together for me. I envision every woman who wears my designs feeling special about themselves, purchasing some

My designs are inspired by nature and ethnic beauty. Whether you prefer bold or dainty, there will be something for everyone, from office wear, to everyday, to birthstone jewelry, to special occasions. Most will be one of a kind, but some will be available for a season. I'll also have special select pieces, where a percentage of the sales will go towards the Kiva Foundation. I blogged about that earlier. I'll be funding micro loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries to get their businesses started!
Until tomorrow, when I'll blog about Kazuri beads..go out and Unveil your Inner Beauty!
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