Holiday themed questions, is the name of this tag, so here we go!
1. When do you usually know and feel that it's finally the holidays?
It's kinda hard not to know because of all the retail excitement, but for me it really feels like the holiday begins on Thanksgiving Day! All the family, food and planned shopping, sets the mood for the excitement to begin.
2. What do you want for Christmas this year?
A Nikon D5000 would be nice! But, if I have to come back down to earth, here goes...outside of Mother's Day, Christmas for me is the the next most special day of the year, if I can get through the day seeing family, feeling peace of mind and happiness in my heart, I'll have all that I need.
3. Do you go all out with decorations?
Not really. I hate the thought of putting it all away. I decorate the living room and front porch, accompanied by little nick nacks sparingly throughout the house.
4. What are you doing Christmas Eve?
Traditionally, I'm ususaly baking cookies and wrapping gifts. This year I would love to have all that done to be able to do some house hopping on Christmas Eve.
5. What are you doing Christmas Day?
Most of it will be spent in my PJ's around the house, then dinner is planned with the family later.
6. It's Christmas time. What are you reading?
Sales Ad's of course!
7. Favorite movie to watch during the holidays?
My favorite movie to watch during the holidays is Miracle on 34th Street. There's something magical about Christmas, and this movie has always been a favorite...matter of fact, I think I'll watch it today!
8. Favorite Christmas song?
"Back Door Santa" has always been a favorite of mine. It's an old Soul Christmas song, that my parents used to play around the house every year. It's so upbeat and jolly, makes you just want to dance. Next to that would have to be the entire Temptations Christmas CD..an oldie but goodie!
9. Favorite holiday drink?
Homemade Bailey's!! My co-worker makes it every year, and gifts me a bottle. It's my favorite for when I'm baking cookies and wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve!
10. How is your Christmas shopping going?
Not to bad, but not too good either. I'm always a last minute shopper...I do well under pressure!..hence the wrapping of gifts on Christmas Eve.
11. If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it?
Other than with my family, I don't think there's anywhere else I'd rather be!
12. Any holiday traditions?
Well....although Santa is now a myth in our household, I still do Santa Gifts and mommie gifts. Also, my soon gets a homemade coupon book every Christmas from me to use throughout the year, with things in it like, get out of cleaning your room, movies with a friend, an extra hour of tv during the week, etc. It's always been one of his favorites!
13. Favorite thing about the holidays?
My favorite thing about the holidays has always been the decorations and just the spirit of Christmas, minus all the commercialism. Seeing my son open his presents has and still is best, I'm still very secretive about it all.
3 bloggers I want to tag::
Maria Paray
Designs by Loretta
At Home with Vicki Bensinger
Those who have been tagged don't have to participate if they're too busy and those who haven't been tagged can feel free to participate if they want to!
Unveiling in answers,

OK, Dee. Here goes.
1. It starts feeling like Christmas about the week before Thanksgiving. All the excitement of getting together with family and having good food. I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it starts such a fun season.
2. I don't really have any special wants for Christmas this year. I have more fun giving special things that I make to my family and watching them receive all the things they want.
3. Right now I have one Christmas wreath up and that's it. We will be going to my son's in Idaho and will enjoy all their decorations.
4. Christmas Eve will be so much fun this year. My daughter-in-law works for City Lights, a home for women recovering from dependence on alcohol or drugs, and for some homeless people. We will be cooking and serving dinner to these people on Christmas Eve. Very heartwarming.
5. We will spend it with family in Idaho. My son is a physician, and will be on call that day, so we may take him his Christmas dinner at the hospital. Otherwise we will spend fun time with family, opening presents, eating good food, and playing board games.
6. I'm reading Laura Bush's book. "Spoken From the Heart".
7. "It's a Wonderful Life".
8. Silent Night.
9. Bailey's Mint Liquer
10. Because we're traveling, most family members are getting gift cards. Those are great last minute gifts to buy. No wrapping.
11. Wherever my family is at Christmas.
12. Well, my son was born on December 15th, so when he was younger I wouldn't decorate the tree or do much in the way of Christmas until after his birthday so he would feel like he didn't have to get lost in the holiday, and he could have his special day. He's grown now so that tradition went away. His kids wanted to decorate for Christmas right away, so that's what they do.
13. My favorite thing about the holidays is that it is a good excuse to spend quality time with family.
Thanks for thinking of me Dee - maybe next week, last show of the season tomorrow! Loved reading yours and Loretta's!
WOW Loretta, it's always fun seeing what youhave going on! ha ha leave it up to the kids to throw tradition out the window, LOL!! You have your own post for your blog!
Good Luck at your show Maria!
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