My head is spinning from all I have to do. I forgot an important thing or two. To all who've stopped by, expecting something new, my apologies run deep, I just don't know what to do. Middle school homework has taken over my life, so tonight I leave you with "Ode to Barney Fife".

Created recently for my neighbor who's a real hoot of a policeman. He'll be wearing this when he's running his marathon races and on his daily jogs. The jade will give him good luck and the sharks tooth represents masculinity and strength.
Unveiling on a drive by,
I like that you are designing for the men too, Dee. Nice job!
Stick to your priorities! The boy comes first :-)
Very nice necklace, by the way!
I read both articles...designing can be a struggle or is that challenge...haha I have not attempted men things yet, aside from magnetic bracelets for my dad...he wears them. I think your design is very masculine and the thought behind it backs that all up. Great piece.
Crystal from KIZZ
Great necklace! Hoping you are having fun with homework! :-)
Hey Dee, I know the homework feeling! Love the piece
Hi Christine...thank you
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