Since Saturday's are typically slow around the blogosphere, MomDot , came up with a great idea called Small Talk Six to have a quick, fun, intereactive meme for the weekends.
This weeks meme is: 6 things people do that you think are beyond lazy...
well, that's an easy one for me, but I'll try not to pick on my son too much..you all already know I'm his "maid"!
1. Leave clothes in the bathroom on the floor after bathing! I know they had to step over the clothes to open the door, so why not just pick them up on your way out?
2. I hate to see people eat at restuarant's (fast food) then leave their mess on the tables. If this was dine in and the poor workers were being paid to buss tables, someone would have seated you and took your order...this really get me going..just lazy!
3. People who come through the grocery lane to check out, and wont take their items out of the carry basket. This is just a pet peave of mine when I used to cashier part time. Probably because our rings were being tracked and this just slowed me down.
4. People who KNOW they just drank the last drop of coffee from the coffee pot at work and won't make another pot...just lazy!
5. Customers in any store with baskets, who don't take their basket with them when the finish at the register. Well, you know you had to use something when you came through the lane with your 40 items, how can you just leave it behind???
6. People who leave clothes on the floor next to the hamper in your bedroom..nothing more to say about that...lazy!! (no name calling today).
Well, that allowed me to get a few things off my mind...what's your top thing that you consider beyond lazy, I'd love to hear.
Unveiling and venting,
good list... Have a great weekend!
My entry
I am with you at no.2...That's why I see to eat that when I leave my table, no mess can be seen..it reflects who we are...
Mine's here: http://genefaith.wordpress.com/2009/08/08/small-talk-six-how-lazy-can-you-get/
I cannot believe I forgot the clothes on the floor after shower. My husband is famous for it.
Every store I've been in has a pile of baskets at the end of the check out. I'm sure this is construed as lazy too, but if the store didn't place the baskets halfway in the produce section once you walk in, but rather had a return by the carts or by the door when you walked out, I'll bet more would get placed there.
OMG #2 I cannot stand that! PIGS!
Have a great Saturday.
That is a great list. I especially like #1
Here's mine
My confession of the day. I do occassionally miss the laundry hamper.
I am always shocked at how people act in public. I can't tell you how much it bugs me when people leave their shopping carts all over the parking lot instead of walking 10 feet to return it. I probably should have put that on my list lol
You have some good ones on there! I totally agree with them all though-Why do people have to do these things?!
I love it! I have two of those on my list, and probably could write the other ones!
Thanks for stopping by my Blog...
I hate the fast food mess too! And people should wipe off their tables too. Very annoying
Giggle... yeah, I tried not to pick on my son with my list too. But, it's soooo easy!
God Bless,
Great list! I hate it when people don't pick up their trash after eating fast food, too. That's just plain rude.
My 6 things are at:
You know, I've never know whether or not to take things out of the carry cart! Now I know... :)
Great list!! I guess the people in #2 don't realize that leaving their trash on the table for someone else to clean tells alot about them ... lazy and nasty!
Thanks for stopping by!
"I can make this list in 6 seconds or less" lol.
And I might - but as one mom to another, I have to tell you something - Brady emptied the dishwasher, without being asked, and didn't come to tell me what he had done. There have been no demands for money or icecream, and it's not one of his chores either. THOSE chores he consistently 'forgets' to do in spite of the fact he's only got three and he's had them for two years now.
AND I've been able to find everything afterwards, which is more than I can say for his father!
I know you know how shocked I am.
sometimes, they do amaze us and like you, I just thank and move on, just don't know how to get them to do the things they are Suppose to do!! LOL
hahaha Dee. I enjoyed this post! I can't even get into the son's stuff.i would have to go on forever LOL and come to think of it..many of the things you speak of..hit home with me too!
oh...when parking at walmart..people who just walk in the middle of the road and not to the side....I can't drive over you so please move over!!!!! LOl
Crystal too funny and oooh so true...my son always tells me during those times of frustration..."be patient, just be patient! lOL I'm like...it's a parking lot...not a park people!!
My confession of the day, I miss the laundry basket. I HATE to do laundry. Maybe because I've done for sooo many years and so much of it! I once ironed every thing I would wear! But, I know about that parking lot thing...people just walk like it's a park and they're goin for a stroll. I don't get that...
hahahaah Dee! That's what I'm going to say next time! too funny from you! Have a great day!
Trish, I'm sure we could all confess to at least one of these, it those that repeatedly do these things that fall into the lazy catagory.
Crystal, you'll feel so much better! LOL
Great list Dee! I can certainly tell your son is home from camp and back to his usual routine. = )
I hate when people open a kitchen cabinet or drawer to get something out, but don't close it back. How hard is it to close it?
And another pet peeve: cutting your finger nails at your desk in the office. One of my coworkers just did that yesterday. Disgusting!
that is disgusting Angelina..in reference to the cabinets and drawers, I'll ask my son about that and get back to you. LOL I could let him loose in my house for 15 minutes, come in behind him and tell you everything he's done and every place he's been, LOL
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