This weeks meme is: 6 talents I wished I posessed....
1. I wish I could sew. I've always wanted to learn to sew. There are so many wonderful things I'd be able to do, like make curtains, table coverings, dresses, etc. I once even purchased a seweing machine, just never took the time to take lessons..oh well.
2. I wish I could speak in public without getting all wobbly in the knees. Toasmasters helps, but it's a work in progress. I admire talented people who are able to get up at the drop of a hat and speak without warning so clearly and articulately.
3. I wish I had the talent of patience to do more Chain Maille in my jewelry making. The finished product is so beautiful. I only do a couple of projects a year, because I'm not patient enough to do more. It's not something you see everywhere you go, so there is a empty niche for it here as well.
4. I wish I could cut mens hair! Having a son, I can honestly say I HATE going to the Barbers shop sitting and waiting for his turn. If I had clippers it would be an easy weekend task whenever he needed it.
5. I wish I could play the piano....again, LOL. I learned when I was younger, but totally forgot everything. The thought of just sitting at the piano in the evening playing lovely tunes seems so relaxing to me.
6. I wish I could speak another language fluently, preferrably Spanish. My day job calls for the language quite frequently. While I'm able to call upon the 4 years I had in college and high school, some days it's just not enough.
Those are my 6 wishes for the weekend, what are yours?
2. I wish I could speak in public without getting all wobbly in the knees. Toasmasters helps, but it's a work in progress. I admire talented people who are able to get up at the drop of a hat and speak without warning so clearly and articulately.
3. I wish I had the talent of patience to do more Chain Maille in my jewelry making. The finished product is so beautiful. I only do a couple of projects a year, because I'm not patient enough to do more. It's not something you see everywhere you go, so there is a empty niche for it here as well.
4. I wish I could cut mens hair! Having a son, I can honestly say I HATE going to the Barbers shop sitting and waiting for his turn. If I had clippers it would be an easy weekend task whenever he needed it.
5. I wish I could play the piano....again, LOL. I learned when I was younger, but totally forgot everything. The thought of just sitting at the piano in the evening playing lovely tunes seems so relaxing to me.
6. I wish I could speak another language fluently, preferrably Spanish. My day job calls for the language quite frequently. While I'm able to call upon the 4 years I had in college and high school, some days it's just not enough.
Those are my 6 wishes for the weekend, what are yours?
HI Dee! I checked out your website - -oh my -- what great talent! I will add you as my friend ok? so creative!! See u next week -- have fun
girl I'm with ya on #6, I spent 4 years in French.... and can barely speak a paragraph now!!!
Great list! I wish I could speak fluent Spanish too.
I wish I could sew too. I see so many creative ideas, but just know I can't make them look the same.
I would like to speak several different languages! I use to speak some Greek and some Spanish, but would love to learn more!
you have a great list. Thanks for stopping by my site
I put public speaking on mine too. My husband is a natural in front of people. I've always admired him for that.
I agree with everything! I just need patience period!
Oooh, number 4 is my favorite on your list! I wish I had the skill and courage to cut anyone's hair. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I hope you had a great weekend!
I wish I could speak another language too. Some days it's hard enough speaking coherent English though!
LOL, I hear ya Heather, sometimes after a long day of talking with folks, I get sooo tongue tied its ridiculous...nothing seems to come out right.
I wish I could play the piano too! I used to play an instrument when I was in high school, but never learned piano and I think after all these years, I've probably forgotten how to read sheet music as well. Great list of talents you put together!
I wish I could paint. I wish I were good at a sport. I wish I had the high metabolism that let me eat whatever I wanted. I wish I could travel the world even more than I have. I wish everyone I loved would stay well.
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