Whether your hosting a Stella Dot Party, a Girls Night out or just having a few friends over this summer, why not impress your guest with some fabulous easy recipes. I've partnered with Chef Michael Hall of Richmond, Virginia to bring some fabulous recipes to you each month. You'll soon be the Hostess with the Mostess Fabulous party on the block! ( just go with the flow, I was on a roll for a second)
Chef Michael is well known in Richmond for his mouth watering Crab Cakes and Rum Bread Pudding, but he's got a lot more than just these tummy teasers under his recipe belt. He's been Executive Chef at Ukrop's Super Markets Inc, and Joe's Market, None Such Place, The Berkeley Hotel and owner of The Vine Restaurant. His most recent position is Executive Chef at the Bull and Bear Club, a premier private club that's been in downtown Richmond, Virginia for 40 years.
I'd tell you to stop by and check our more of Chef Michaels recipes, but without an exclusive membership, that can't happen, so each month I'll bring Chef Michael to you. The connection...parties, fashionable, trendy and things you MUST know of course! This month, Chef Michael shares with us his Pumpkin Tiramisu with Almond Macaroons...sounds lovely! Let me know if you get a chance to try this tasty treat.
Pumpkin Tiramisu with Almond Macaroons
¾ cups sugar
8 oz mascarpone cheese
15oz pumpkin puree
¾ tsp pumpkins spice
¼ tsp lemon extract
2 -3oz package ladyfingers
5 tbsp Rum Meyer dark
4oz of almond macaroon crumbles
Beat cream and sugar until peaks foam. Add mascarpone cheese, lemon extract, pumpkin and pumpkin spice beat until filling is smooth. Line the bottom of a 9 in spring form pan with 3 in=2 0high sides with 1 package of ladyfingers overlapping and crowding to fit. Sprinkle with 2 ½ tbsp rum. Spread half the filling over ladyfingers . Repeat with ladyfingers , rum and filling smooth top and wrap tightly with plastic then foil .Chill overnight. To un-mold run a knife around inside edge of pan Release pan sides and sprinkle with macaroons.
Unveil the Chef in you!
Unveil the Chef in you!
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